Laurie McLean's Coal Tower Brilliant animation using an Octo III.
Sean's Quads
Sean McCaskey
of Antelope California has built a really nice installation using the
Quad-PICs. It was his request that resulted in the new bi-color fascia
controllers which he has used to nice effect on his N scale railroad.
Sean's control panel is made of acrylic with chart tape to show the tracks.
sean did a nice job of wiring the panel.
Photo Courtesy of David Cecil
A great idea for building a spring in to the servo drive wire.
"I have an idea for your wire on the servo horn.I'll be using Hitec metal gear servos that I all ready have. You can use larger wire from the servo to the switch. I bent the wire around a medium metal handled X-acto knife handle to make a spring, one round is all it takes and the servo doesn't shove hard against the track just hard enough. The wire I used was .032 stainless,and because it's a little stiffer it gives you a few more options for mounting" - David Cecil
Photo by Craig Bisgeier
Read Craig Bisgeier's blog entry on how he installed servos on his Housatonic Railway to drive his Fast Tracks turnouts.
Ryan of the Model RailCast Show has made a video of how he installed a Tam Valley Depot Quad Servo Decoder on his home layout. Laso hear Duncan talk about his servos on Model Railcast Show #50
See my own Tam Valley Railroad site for more about using servos for controlling turnouts.
An installation using tiny 3.7g micro-servo and a lever switch to power the frog.
Micro-servo mounted on a piece of styrene glued to the bottom of a #6 Micro-engineering #6 turnout. A miniature lever-switch is switching frog power - ready-to-mount on layout.
Closeup of servo and switch.
Mounting servos when using foam subroadbed.
Servo mounted on the bottom of a switch and placed in a cutout in foam.
Placed on the layout with black foam roadbed. Ready for ballasting.