Common Contact Questions:
Q: Can you send me a catalog?
A: No I do not have paper catalogs - this website is the catalog.
Q: Can you tell me all about servos?
A: I can only answer specific questions. If you want to hear about others experiences and ask more general questions you can try the Yahoo groups below.
Q: Will your frog juicer work with my DCC system X?
A: Yes if it is rated 1.7A and above. No if it is not. If it comes with a 1 Amp power supply then, no. If it came as part of a train set it is probably only a 1 Amp system.
Q: Will it work with my turnout X? How many frog juicers do I need for a X type of switch?
A: If it has metal frogs it will work. If it has plastic ones (i.e. Peco Insulfrog), then no. You will need one frog juicer output per frog (on some types of switches some of the frogs are connected together and you will need one output for any frogs joined together). A Hex Frog Juicer has 6 outputs.
Q: I sometimes operate my DCC layout as DC. I know they will not work with DC but will this hurt my frog juicers?
A: A lot of model railroaders have done this and it has not caused any damage. However, I can't warranty your frog juicers in this case.
Q: Here is my phone number and I plan to buy a lot of stuff. Will you call me and chat with me?
A: I ignore these emails. I just do not have time. I have a family and 2 jobs. I will do my best to answer with an email.